In May 1982, a small, sparsely equipped academic institution, located in the heart of Nassau city, opened its doors to the Bahamian public and gave birth to what was then known as Success Education Center. At that time, its offerings consisted primarily of examination and short technical courses in areas such as Business, Electronics and Secretarial Science.
During its first months of operation, approximately twenty-five students were enrolled primarily in Bahamas Junior Certificate and London General Certificate of Education examination courses. However, by the fall of 1982, enrollment grew substantially and the establishment of the first independent post-secondary institution in the Bahamas began to take shape. In 1983, the school's name was changed from Success Education Center to Success Training College and its curriculum was expanded to include a number of Diploma and Associate Degree programs in Computers, Electronics, and Business Studies. In addition, the college established links with colleges and universities abroad to facilitate the transfer of its graduates to relevant baccalaureate degree programs.
Over the years Success has continually developed its programs and facilities to meet the needs of its students. In fact, it became the largest, privately owned tertiary-level institution in the Bahamas with campuses in Nassau and Freeport along with satellite centers in Abaco and Eleuthera.
At the end of 2008 there was a separation in the management of the various centers of Success Training College and Success Training College Freeport campus along with the two satellite centers were managed under the banner of Success Center for Extended Studies located in Nassau. The amalgamation of Success Center for Extended Studies in Nassau, Success Training College, Freeport and the satellite centers in Abaco and Eleuthera subsequently gave birth to the new Institution - Bahamas Institute of Business and Technology. This new independent entity was officially registered and recognized by the Ministry of Education Science and Technology in the fall of 2013.
So in essence, while the Bahamas Institute of Business and Technology is new in name, the college is born out of a rich tradition of academic and training excellence. Such rich heritage could only point to continued BIBT for this august institution.
Like Success Training College, the Bahamas Institute of Business & Technology was founded by Dr. Deswell Forbes, the father of private college-level education in the Bahamas. As the guiding force behind this new endeavor it is expected that Dr. Forbes will cause his vast knowledge and experience to propel the Bahamas Institute of Business & Technology to stratospheric levels of BIBT. The college currently offers Associate Degrees, Certificate and Diploma programs in a wide array of disciplines. Additionally, seminars and workshops are regularly scheduled to meet the training and development needs of local businesses and the community at large.
In keeping with its stated mission, the Bahamas Institute of Business and Technology is quickly distinguishing itself as a leader in providing quality education and takes great pride in the services it offers to the community through its career-oriented programs. Students who complete studies at BIBT are eligible for promotions, increments and qualify for entry-level positions in banking, management, finance, teaching, health-care and many other related fields. Additionally, students who wish can transfer credits to many colleges and universities in the Caribbean, the USA, Canada and the UK and receive advanced placement in their selected program of study.
With the establishment of the Bahamas Institute of Business & Technology, Bahamians across the length and breadth of this commonwealth of islands will now have the opportunity to fulfill their educational needs and dreams without the many obstacles that confronted them in the past. And so we encourage all aspiring individuals to take advantage of many options the college provides.
The Bahamas Institute of Business and Technology is registered with the Ministry of Education as a tertiary level academic institution with approval to offer programs of study leading to the Associate of Arts Degree and the Associate of Science Degree. In addition, individual certificate courses and diploma programs are similarly approved.
Credits earned at BIBT are transferable to local four-year colleges and universities and colleges in the U.S., U.K., Canada, and the Caribbean.
The Bahamas Institute of Business and Technology is governed by a Board of Directors which ensures that appropriate standards and procedures are adhered to and as a body it also causes the college to focus on its continued growth and development. The Board further ensures strict adherence to established policies and procedures in the day-to-day administration of the institution.
Please note that this handbook is not a contract and must not be construed as such. The college will make every effort to maintain policies and practices stated herein, but reserves the right to modify or adjust programs and regulations if such changes are deemed necessary and in the best interest of students and/or the college. Should such action become necessary, all reasonable efforts will be made to inform students of applicable changes.
This handbook is effective from the date of issue and remains in effect until it is replaced by the next publication. The college does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions that may have occurred during the preparation of this document.
The Bahamas Institute of Business and Technology admission requirements are based on the philosophy that every aspiring individual with the desire and potential to benefit from higher learning should be afforded an opportunity to do so. Statistically, less than five percent of the population satisfies the traditional requirements for entry into college. However, it is our firm belief that those students who have graduated from high school with a grade point average of 2.0 or better should not be denied entry into a post secondary academic or training program. Consequently, it should be noted that BIBT Placement Exam is merely designed to channel students along the right path rather than to exclude them outright. Nevertheless, the requirements listed below are meant to make this process as orderly as possible.
COLLEGE PROGRAMS: Students seeking admission into an Associate Degree or Diploma program must satisfy one of the following schemes:
Scheme A:
Applicants must be at least seventeen (17) years old.
Applicants must possess a high school diploma.
iii. Cumulative grade point average must be no less than 2.00 during the last two years of high school.
iv. Applicants must possess not less than five BGCSE passes (or the equivalent thereof) including Math and English with passes of "C" or higher.
Scheme B: (Mature Students)
Applicants must be at least twenty-one (21) years old.
Applicants must have worked in the desired area of study for at least three (3) years.
Applicants must possess a high school diploma.
Applicants must possess passes in at least three BGCSE subjects including Math and English.
NOTE: All students entering an Associate Degree or a Diploma program without the requisite BGCSE passes MUST sit the college's placement exam and enroll in the appropriate foundation courses.
Admission into certification courses requires students to complete the same steps as those for students entering college programs. However, there is no stringent pre-qualification for students enrolling in certification courses/programs. Please note though that some certification programs are sequential, consequently permission to register for an advanced stage may require competency at introductory and/or intermediate levels. See specific program for registration details.
BIBT considers the admission of students from other academic institutions of similar standards. Full credit will be awarded for relevant work completed with a grade of "C" or above. Students entering a diploma or an associate degree program can transfer a maximum of fifteen (15) or thirty (30) credits respectively. An official transcript of all work completed elsewhere must be received for evaluation by BIBT before credits can be considered for transfer.
Students who have completed course work elsewhere but do not have the necessary requirements to qualify as transfer students may choose to sit challenge exams to demonstrate areas of competence. Students who are successful in relevant exams will be exempted from or receive credits for appropriate courses. Each student applying for advanced standing should note that there is an administrative cost of $150.00 for each exam attempted. Exam fees are non-refundable.
Students who are residents of other countries are welcome to apply for studies at BIBT. However, it must be noted that in addition to the admission guidelines stipulated above, each international student must apply to the Bahamas Department of Immigration for residency status. Admission to study at Bahamas Institute of Business and Technology does not constituted permission to reside in the Bahamas. International students are required to apply to the college at least six (6) months prior to the start date of their program. Additional information regarding international student admission is provided in the international student brochure.
All applications for admission should be addressed to the Director of Admissions, Bahamas Institute of Business and Technology P.O.Box CB-11242, F4-Dewgard Plaza, Madeira Street, Nassau, Bahamas. Applications must be submitted at least three (3) months prior to the term in which the student wishes to commence studies.
Each student is required to register for courses prior to the beginning of each term. Course offerings and related information are published prior to the beginning of each registration period. Permission to register must be obtained from the Business Office and taken to the student's advisor who will then recommend the appropriate course(s) to the particular student.
The completed registration form must be returned to the Business Office. At this point, students will be required to settle financial obligations associated with registration. Students who are not properly enrolled in the college or who fail to settle outstanding fees with the college will not be registered. Students are urged to register during the regular registration period. Registration received after the specified registration period will be assessed a late charge; and in some cases, the college may not be able to satisfy the registration request.
Although the college generally encourages students to register for classes during the regular registration period, students are, nevertheless, permitted to register for courses up to two (2) weeks after the term begins. Students registering during the late registration period will be required to pay a late registration fee.
NOTE: Students who register late for classes should be aware that the responsibility for course material covered prior to their registration lies with the individual student.
The college is on the trimester system, with Fall, Winter and Spring trimesters each comprising 10 weeks. Additionally, a Summer and a Xmas session are conducted each year. These sessions are 6 weeks each.
A student who has satisfactorily completed at least one college course during each academic term is considered to have satisfied the minimal requirements for "continuous enrollment".
A student who has been continuously enrolled at BIBT may be awarded the degree by satisfying the degree requirements as defined in the catalog in effect during the period of continuous enrollment leading up to graduation.
If a required course ceases to be offered prior to a student's graduation, appropriate adjustments should be recommended by the student's academic advisor and approved by the chair of the department in which the student is enrolled.
A student may affect changes to his or her schedule by filing the appropriate form on or before applicable deadlines. Deadlines are published in the college schedule.
Students are permitted to add courses up to the end of the second week of a trimester or up to the end of the first week of a Summer or Xmas session.
Students requesting to add or drop courses must use the Drop/Add Request form. A student who wishes to withdraw from a course must complete an official Withdrawal form. Drop/Add and Withdrawal forms are available from the Business Office or from any Department Chair.
A student who stops attending classes and does not follow appropriate withdrawal procedures will receive a grade of "F" for the particular course or courses.
When dropping courses or withdrawing from the college the following apply:
1. The student will receive a "W" grade in the course if the appropriate form is filed between the first week and the end of the sixth (6th) calendar week of the trimester or fourth (4th) of the session.
2. After the specified calendar weeks of the trimester or the session a student may withdraw and receive a "W" grade only for non-academic reasons and only with the permission of the lecturer.
3. See the Academic Calendar for specific deadlines. Proportionate dates for dropping and withdrawing will be established for courses that are offered for periods other than those specified. In some certificate courses in particular adding and dropping may be severely restricted.
4. Students, wishing to withdraw from a class within the appropriate time frame listed above, may do so only if they complete a withdrawal form. Failure to complete the form and not attend classes as scheduled could result in an "F" grade.
Please Note: Failure to attend classes for whatever reason without proper notification does not constitute official withdrawal.
A student whose attendance at the college is interrupted for one or more semesters will have to be re-admitted prior to registration for classes. Re-admission procedures are the same as admission procedures for new students.
All students are encouraged to report to the college for orientation. This exercise is designed to familiarize students with the college's practices, policies, and procedures especially as they relate to routine college activities. Faculty, staff, and students are generally available to give detailed information regarding these matters at this time. Moreover, orientation provides an ideal opportunity to meet and get to know fellow students and to become familiar with the college, its faculty, and staff.
All students who are duly enrolled at the college are encouraged to seek advisement on their course of study and other college related matters. Students are assigned academic advisors at the same time of enrollment. Their responsibility is to direct advisees through their academic studies and to offer advice regarding career development and related concerns. In the event you have not been assigned an advisor please see the Director of admissions.
The Office of Student Life is responsible for those aspects of the student's college experience outside the classroom. The primary focus here is to foster the total development of individuals through wholesome social interaction and various types of activities such as sports, seminars, socials, travel and other activities, designed to promote healthy growth and development among our students.
BIBT is committed to the total education of its students and therefore makes great effort to provide the means necessary to achieve this goal. By encouraging the participation in student clubs and organizations, the college hopes to foster the educational and personal growth it holds so dearly. The following organizations have been established for this purpose.
The SGA was established to achieve the following objectives:
The Student Government shall consist of (1) the Executive Committee, (2) The Senate, and (3) the Budget Committee.
The Executive Committee: consists of the President and the Vice-President of the Student Body, the Secretary and the Treasurer.
The Senate: shall consist of all Senators inclusive of the Chairperson of the Senate.
The Budget Committee: shall consist of three (3) members.
The Treasurer of the Executive Committee
The Chairperson of the Senate and
A representative recommended by a recognized Club.
All members of the Student Government shall be registered students at BIBT.
Any student seeking office in the SGA shall be required to be in good standing and shall not be on either scholastic or disciplinary probation.
Any individual holding office and fails to remain in good standing shall be summarily removed from office.
Any students wishing to serve as an officer of the SGA or any student organizations/clubs should obtain a copy of the SGA and organizations/clubs constitution and by-laws from the Office of Student Affairs.
The Travel Club is open to students who are interested in traveling. Members often visit family islands and cities abroad.
The Computer Club facilitates students majoring in Computer Science. The club's activities focus on promoting a better understanding of the field of computers and provide opportunities for various computing experiences not generally included in scheduled courses.
The Business Association: This association was established primarily as a forum for Business students to exchange ideas and to serve as a liaison between students and the business world.
The Sports Association: Students interested in various sporting activities are encouraged to join the Sports Association. The objectives of this club focus on promoting student development through participation in various games including: basketball, baseball, racquetball, softball, bowling, and track and field.
New Student Clubs: Any student group wishing to be officially recognized as a student organization at Bahamas Institute of Business and Technology must file the following information with the Office of Student Affairs:
Registration of Recognized Student Club/Organization:
Each official organization must verify that it is an active organization. Completion of the registration form by a representative of each organization will verify that the organization is active. Registration of all student organizations will occur in the Student Affairs Office. When an organization has submitted its registration form, the president of the registered organization will receive a registration card, which entitles the registered organization to apply for funds from the Student Government Association and to use College facilities for meetings and activities.
Regulations Governing Social Affairs:
Scheduling Events and Facilities:
Revenue from Student Sponsored Events
Each individual student is required to behave in a manner deserving of respect by the College and by other students. At no time will the college tolerate behavior that is destructive or disrespectful to individual students, faculty, staff or the College. Should such behavior occur, the College reserves the right to dismiss or suspend the student or students responsible from the institution. In the event a student is suspended or dismissed from the college, a written notification of the said action will be delivered to the affected student. In addition, it should be understood that a student who is dismissed from the college would not be permitted to re-enter unless a period of three calendar years has elapsed since the dismissal took effect.
The following violations will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include suspension or dismissal.
Generally, any activity or omission to act, that is construed as detrimental to the overall growth, development, and smooth functioning of the college will engender some form of disciplinary action on the part of the college. Each student must, therefore, endeavor to behave in a fashion deserving of respect at all times.
The college makes every effort to ensure that its faculty and students have easy access to all necessary computing services and facilities. In return, it demands that computing facilities are properly used and protected at all times. This is an enormous undertaking that requires the assistance of the entire college population in particular students since they represent the largest group of users on the campus. As a member of the college, you are expected to preserve the privilege of using the computing facilities for yourself and others by observing the computing guidelines outlined below. Failure to do so may result in your suspension from the use of these facilities. Accordingly, the following specific guidelines are hereby stipulated.
Any student or individual found using the college’s computing facilities without permission will lose access to the computer labs and may be permanently barred from using any of the college’s computing facilities.
All registered students are required to pay a technology fee at the beginning of each trimester or session. This fee assists in paying for the maintenance of technology services.
The college’s computing facilities are installed to facilitate the college’s academic programs. Use of the facilities for any other purpose will be considered a breach of the intended purpose and could lead to a suspension of these privileges.
Fraudulent computer use includes (but is not limited to):
Any student found using the college’s computing facilities for illegal purposes will be permanently barred from future use and may be expelled from the college.
Do not use the limited computer resources for games unless it is required for a course. If you are seen playing, you may be asked to leave.
All software needed for classes are already stored on the server or the specified computer. Do not add any additional software to any computer. If you do, you may be prevented from using the lab.
Protect your work and the computer system. Scan your personal computer regularly for viruses. Failure to do so may lead to disastrous effects.
As far as we know, you are not technicians so please DO NOT attempt to repair any non-functioning equipment. Report all malfunctioning equipment to the instructor or the office. We will ensure that the necessary repairs are carried out.
Children are not permitted in any of the computer labs. The labs are not meant to serve as game rooms or early childhood learning centers. If you have to baby sit, please do it elsewhere.
The computer rooms are open from 9:00am – 9:00pm Monday through Friday and usually on Saturday from 9:00am to 3:00pm. This may vary from term to term.
Students are encouraged to use the labs during these hours except when classes are in session. If a class is in session, the lab is closed to all students not in the scheduled class. Class schedules are placed at the entrance of each computer lab. (Please see the Computer Department for further details as schedules may change without notice.)
The Bahamas Institute of Business and Technology has integrated computing components in all of its curricula and consequently, vigorously promotes the use of its computing facilities and seeks to improve the computer literacy of its students and faculty. Minimizing computer abuse provides increased computer resources for legitimate use by everyone. Students, faculty and all other users are, therefore, expected to adhere to these simple guidelines to safeguard their computing privilege as well as their fellow users.
Students are expected to attend all of their scheduled college classes and to satisfy all academic objectives as outlined by the instructor. The instructor determines how class attendance affects a student’s final grade. Although the college does not impose any strict guidelines in the case of class attendance it reserves the right to penalize any student for nonattendance.
Final course examinations are scheduled during the last week of each term. Specific times are published along with the schedule of classes. Students should check the schedule at the beginning of the term to confirm exam times. All students must take final exams during regularly scheduled times. Failure to do so will result in either an "I" or an "F" grade for the course. Students who miss the final exam may reschedule a make-up exam at the discretion of the course instructor and/or the college. However, please not that in such cases a make-up fee is required. NO FINAL EXAM WILL BE ADMINISTERED UNLESS AND UNTIL THE "MAKE-UP EXAM FEE" IS PAID TO THE BUSINESS OFFICE.
To remain in good standing, each student at BAHAMAS INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY must maintain a satisfactory record. A satisfactory record is defined as an average of "C" or higher on all work attempted (2.0 on a 4.0 scale). This is the minimum required for an Associate Degree. In addition to this, the student's GPA must not be below a 2.0 in the major course of study (the declared major) in order to graduate from BIBT.
Students who fail to maintain a grade-point-average of "C" will be placed on academic probation and will be forced to limit the number of credits attempted during the term in which they are on probation. See the section on Academic Probation for further clarification.
Course grades are awarded as follows:
A |
89 - 100% |
12 | Excellent performance |
A- |
85 - 88% |
11 |
B+ |
81 - 84% |
10 | |
B |
77 - 80% |
9 |
Good performance |
B- |
73 - 76% |
8 |
C+ |
69 - 72% | 7 | |
C |
65 - 68% | 6 | Average performance |
C- |
61 - 64% | 5 | |
D+ |
57 - 60% | 4 | |
D |
53 - 56% | 3 | Low performance |
D- |
49 - 52% | 2 | |
E |
40 - 48% | 1 | Poor performance |
F |
0 - 39% | 0 | |
I |
- | 0 | Incomplete |
W |
- | 0 | Withdrawal |
S |
- | 0 | Satisfactory |
US |
- | 0 | Unsatisfactory |
- | 0 |
Audit(no credit) |
Grade reports are issued to students at the end of each term. Each student MUST ensure that term grades are collected from the Business Office in a timely fashion. This will prevent or at least minimize future confusions regarding grades and classes. All grade reports are delivered FREE to students for the current term. On the other hand, students requesting grades from previous semesters will have to apply for a transcript. Transcript fees start at $15.00 unofficial and $20.00 official.
Transcripts are provided to students upon written request. A transcript is a cumulative report of all work completed at the point of the request and an indication of work in progress. A student may request an official or an unofficial transcript. Official transcripts are not released to students. They are delivered directly to the receiving institution or organization. Students may request transcripts at any time upon completing the required form and remitting the appropriate fee. A processing time of ten (10) business days may be required.
Grades within the range of "F" to "C-" may be changed if the course in which the specified grade was received is repeated and the student obtains a higher grade. A grade of "I" is given when a student fails to complete a portion of the course requirement during the term in which the course was taken. However, the "I" grade is only awarded in cases where failure to complete the course work is due to circumstances beyond the student's control. If an "I" grade is awarded, the requirements for the course must be completed by the end of the term immediately ensuing the term in which the "I" grade was awarded. Failure to do so will cause the "I" grade to be changed to an "F" and the entire course will have to be repeated before the "F" grade is removed. Removal of an "I" grade does not require the student to re-register for the particular course as such action may alter the student's tuition fee.
Students are encouraged to pursue complaints with the appropriate college department or office. The relevant academic department should resolve problems encountered by students. However, if a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached within the department, the following procedures should be followed:
Academic matters and complaints should be addressed to the Director of Academic Affairs. Any other complaint should be addressed to the Director of Student Affairs. All complaints should be in writing.
Bahamas Institute of Business and Technology operates on a fourteen-week trimester schedule, which is complemented by a six week summer session and a six week Xmas session.
Trimesters and sessions are scheduled as follows:
During each term, the college requires a minimum of thirty six (36) contact hours for each lecture course. An additional twenty (20) hours are required for courses with labs.
It is recommended that students enrolled in a Diploma or Associate Degree program register for six to nine credits per term. Registration for more than nine credits during any one trimester is not recommended. However, in cases where a student excels academically and the schedule permits, permission to register for more than nine credits could be granted.
Students in Diploma and Associate Degree programs must obtain a minimum of a "C" grade in all academic work related to their major area of concentration, and a grade point average of "C" must be maintained in work attempted overall. Students who fail to maintain a grade point average of "C" will be placed on academic probation and will be forced to limit the number of credits attempted during the term in which they are on probation.
To further encourage high performance among its students, BIBT recognizes and rewards students for high academic performance. In this regard, the college publishes a list of honorees at the end of every term. Students whose names are published are eligible for tuition rebates for the ensuing term.
Students must register for at least six credits to receive consideration. These recognitions are detailed below:
THE PRESIDENT'S AND DEAN'S LIST: Students who earn a GPA of 4.00 are placed on the President's list and receive a tuition discount of 15% off the ensuing term’s tuition fee.
THE DEAN’S LIST: Students with averages between 3.5 and 3.99 are placed on the Dean's List and receive a tuition discount of 10% off the next term's tuition fee.
HONOR ROLL: Students with averages between 3.00 and 3.49 and who earned at least 6 credit hours during the semester under consideration are recognized as Honor students. Honor Roll students receive a tuition discount of 5% of the ensuing semester’s tuition charges.
Students who complete their programs of study with GPA's of 3.8 or better graduate with highest honors and distinction; those with GPA's of 3.50 to 3.79, highest honors; and those with GPA's of 3.0 to 3.49, honors. Additionally, the student who graduates with the highest GPA will be given the honor of Valedictorian; the student with the second highest GPA, Salutatorian; and the student with the third highest GPA, Collegiatorian. Only students who have earned at least thirty 30 credits at BIBT and are candidates for the Associate Degree will be eligible for these awards.
DEPARTMENT HONORS: Students with the first, second and third highest GPA within their respective departments will receive awards for their achievements.
THE PRESIDENT'S AWARD: This award is given to the student, who in the view of the Academic Committee along with the President, represents the best student overall both in terms of academic performance and in terms of involvement in other aspects of college life.
THE ACADEMIC DEAN'S AWARD: This award is given to the student who in the view of the Academic Committee has maintained exemplary academic prowess during his/her college tenure and has motivated and assisted others in their efforts to attain higher achievements.
Bahamas Institute of Business and Technology offers several major academic programs and a large number of individual certificate courses. Students can select from a wide range of Associate Degree programs, Diploma programs, Examination and Certificate courses.
CERTIFICATE COURSES: These courses are designed for students who are interested in becoming familiar with a particular subject area. Courses are generally six to twelve weeks in duration and cover materials germane to the specific course. Students who apply for certificate courses must obtain a minimum final grade of' C" before a certificate is awarded.
DIPLOMA PROGRAMS: Diplomas are nine to twelve months in duration and generally consist of a combination of courses that focus on a particular area of study.
To become eligible for a diploma, a student must complete not be less than thirty (30) credit hours with at least twenty (20) credits in the area of concentration. In addition, the student must obtain a minimum of a "C" grade in each major course taken and overall a cumulative quality point average of 2.00 or better is required of all work attempted at Bahamas Institute of Business and Technology. All accounts with the Business Office MUST be settled. All candidates for graduation must apply for graduation and remit the requisite graduation fee. Commencement is mandatory for all graduating students.
ASSOCIATE DEGREES: Students enrolled in associate degree programs concentrate on advanced level studies in areas such as business, and computers. These programs are usually 2 years in duration and a designed to prepare students for direct entry into the workforce. Additionally, successful graduates may also continue their studies to the bachelor’s level and beyond.
To be awarded an Associate Degree a student must complete a minimum of sixty (60) credit hours and satisfy the credit and course requirements as specified by the particular curriculum of study. In addition, the student must complete each course taken in the major area of concentration with at least a "C" grade and obtain a cumulative quality point average of 2.00 or better. All outstanding accounts with the college MUST be settled. Once the above requirements are met the student may apply for graduation. Application for graduation must be filed with the registrar at least three months prior to the date of graduation and must be accompanied with the appropriate graduation fee. Additionally all candidates for the Associate Degree must participate in commencement.
Students who qualify are awarded the Associate of Arts or Associate of Science Degree during the annual commencement exercises.
Only students who satisfy the college's academic requirements and who are in good standing with the college financially and behaviorally will be awarded degrees. All candidates for graduation must participate in the annual commencement ceremony.
Please note that students with more than nine (9) credit hours outstanding at the schedule commencement date will not be considered for candidacy
Students applying to BIBT for entry into an Associate Degree or a Diploma program must specify their academic goals by declaring a major. A major generally comprises a concentration of seven to ten courses in a specific discipline. The college offers a number of career oriented programs in Business Administration, Allied Health Sciences, Computer Science, Law, Education, Tourism & Hospitality and Technology. Specific course requirements for a major in any of these areas are listed in the various curriculum outlines.
BIBT does not require students to declare minors. However, students who wish to have a minor officially listed on their transcript may contact their academic advisor regarding how this can be done. Permission must be obtained from the department chair of the major course of study. In general, students who wish to declare minors are expected to complete a minimum of five courses in the specific area of concentration.
A grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 is required in order for any student to declare a minor. This GPA must be maintained in order to continue to carry a minor course of study. Students must understand also, that declaring a minor may increase the number of credits required for graduation.
Students who choose to carry more than one major must fulfill the requirements for each major as specified by the various curricula. Upon graduation; however, only one degree will be given unless the student completes thirty (30) appropriate credits in addition to those required for the first degree. To be eligible for two degrees a student must therefore complete a minimum of ninety (90) credit hours. Double majors are only permitted between departments and not within departments. Students who wish to conduct advanced studies in more than one field within the same department should major in their first choice and minor in the second.
The Diploma and Associate Degree programs at BIBT are design to be completed with a period of one (1) and two (2) years respectively. However, a student who enrolls in a Diploma program is given up to three (3) years to complete the curriculum. Candidates for the Associate Degree are expected to take no more than four (4) calendar years for completion. Students who fail to complete their respective programs within the prescribed time run the risk of forfeiting credits earned outside the period of candidacy.
Should a student become ill and is consequently forced to interrupt his or her studies, the college will excuse his or her absence. Extended absence due to the illness will not be detrimental to the student's period of candidacy.
While BIBT seeks to encourage each aspiring individual to develop to his or her fullest potential, it should be realized that the opportunity to study at BIBT is a privilege and not a right. In this regard, students must be cognizant of the fact that continuation of this privilege is contingent on the maintenance of satisfactory academic performance and adherence to all other college policies. Poor academic performance in particular will force the college to suspend or terminate this privilege. A student whose performance is below acceptable standards is placed on academic probation in the first instance.
A student will be placed on academic probation for any of the following reasons:
First year/first term students who fail to earn a 2.0 grade point average will be placed on academic warning for one semester before being placed on academic probation. Whilst on academic warning first year/first term students will be required to meet with their advisors for special assistance in improving their academic performance. Academic probation may be removed only by earning a 2.0 grade point average or higher in all work attempted during the next period of enrollment.
A student on academic probation who fails to earn a 2.0 average in work attempted in the ensuing term and who has a cumulative average lower than 2.0 at BAHAMAS INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY will be suspended from the college. The student is eligible to apply for readmission after a minimum of one termr and, if permitted to return, will be on academic probation again. If at any time after having once been suspended, a student on probation has a term and cumulative average below 2.0, the student will be dismissed from the college and will not be eligible to return.
Students and prospective students are expected to be familiar with and to conform to the regulations of BAHAMAS INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY. Students who find that a particular academic requirement or regulation of the college is causing them undue hardship may appeal to the Academic Dean. Please note that the Office of Academic Affairs does not concern itself with any financial matter.
The petitioner must collect a petition form from the Office of Academic Affairs, fill it out, and attach any pertinent information in support of the petition (i.e. medical records, verifying letters, memos from instructors, etc.) The petition will not be reviewed until the required documentation is received.
The completed document must be signed and returned to the Office of Academic Affairs for action.
The Office of Academic Affairs will inform the student of any decision regarding the petition. Such decision is final.
The college operates based on fees and tuition it receives from its students. It is therefore important that students appreciate the fact that the quality of service they receive is directly related to how they meet their financial commitment to the college. Generally, the college requires that all fees are paid before the beginning of classes, but in some cases payment schedules may be permitted. Fees and payment plans are presented in separate documents. Please refer to those documents for details.
All fees except tuition fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. Tuition fees may be refunded upon written application in accordance with the following schedule:
Withdrawal in writing:
NOTE: Students who register late for classes are subject to the same refund schedule as students who register early. That is to say, for example, a student who registers for classes during the second week of classes and subsequently decides to withdraw will be subject to the same withdrawal schedule as a student who registered for classes before the term began.
It should also be noted that students who are paying their fees in installments are not eligible for tuition refunds. Only students who paid their fees and charges in full are eligible for tuition refunds.
All students who are properly enrolled at BIBT may seek financial assistance from the following sources:
Rebate Amount
Vice President
Treasurer, Secretary
Asst. Treasurer, Asst. Secretary
Senate Leader & Deputy Leader
All other eligible members
NOTE: Rebates are tuition waivers only and are not given in the form of cash refunds. Members whose total scholarship amount exceeds their tuition and incidental charges must return surplus amount to the Student Government Association (SGA). Rebates are not transferable from term to term.
FURTHER STUDIES: In addition to assisting graduates with job placement, the college also understands that a large number of students choose to continue their studies rather than entering directly into the employment market. In this regard, BIBT has identified several four-year colleges and universities locally and abroad where its graduates are accepted as transfer students. Transfer opportunities allow BIBT graduates to complete their Bachelor's Degree within an average period of two years.
Information regarding these institutions may be obtained from the Placement Office. Students wishing to transfer abroad should begin the admission process at least six months prior to the beginning of the term in which they plan to commence their studies.
EMPLOYMENT: BIBT endeavors to assist all of its graduates in planning for employment after graduation. Many individual faculty members are available for consultation concerning careers in their particular field of interest; however, students should make maximum use of the Placement Office that is specifically designed to assist in this area. The Placement Office offers a number of workshops and services to assist students in exploring career options and preparing for job searches and interviews. Students who which to gain the full benefit of these services should register with the Director of Student Affairs during their final year of study.
Bahamas Institute of Business and Technology is dedicated to the intellectual, social, and moral development of students in order to provide responsible leaders who can work effectively in a democratic society. Students entering the college are provided with a Student Handbook that contains, among other things, the necessary information concerning personal conduct, acceptable behavior and conditions under which one may continue as a student of the college. As a condition for admission, each student agreed to abide by the policies and regulations of the college and must therefore expected uphold the requisite standards.
As a student of the Bahamas Institute of Business and Technology you have taken on the responsibility to build upon the work of the many others who have passed through these hallowed halls. Bahamas Institute of Business and Technology is only a name stitched together by a group of individuals comprising of students, faculty, staff and the community at large. So far it has distinguished itself as one of the country’s leading academic institutions, but where it goes from here depends largely on your performance as a student. Adhering to the policies set forth in this handbook will go a long way in the advancement of you as a student and of course the institution in general.